(a)  Is the official representative of the Association

(b)  Is an ex-officio member of all committees.

(c)  Calls meetings to order and adjourns them at appropriate times.

(d)  Signs approved minutes.

(e)  Holds regular Council meetings and consults with officers and committee chairmen to ensure that details are well planned.

(f)  Signs cheques in accordance with section 12 (b) of this Constitution.


(a)  Assumes the responsibility for administrative detail delegated to him by the President.

(b)  Represents the Association upon request by the President or the Executive Council.

(c)  Assumes the duties of the President if the office becomes vacant until the position is filled at the next Annual General Meeting.


(a)  Records in a Minute Book brief detailed accounts of the proceedings of general, special, annual general and executive meetings.

(b)  Presents a written copy of the previous meeting’s minutes to each Council member prior to each meeting. A copy of the minutes should also be forwarded to the Principal’s Office.

(c)  Notes all corrections to the minutes that may be necessary and secures the signature of the presiding officer after acceptance.

(d)  Keeps for reference purposes at meetings, the Minute Book, a copy of the Constitution and a list of the Executive and Committee members.

(e)  Signs all cheques in accordance with section 12 (b) of this Constitution.

(f)  Shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Association.

(g)  Ensures a written record is kept of all attendees to all meetings.


(a)  Assists the Secretary.

(b)  Acts in his or her absence or when requested to do so by the Secretary.


(a)  Receives all monies.

(b)  Maintains or opens an account(s) in the name of the Association at a Bank(s) approved by the Executive Council.

(c)  Prepares all cheques and pays Association obligations after authorization as per section 12 (b) of this Constitution.

(d)  Keeps a detailed record of all the Association’s receipts and expenditures.

(e)  Preserves all vouchers, receipts, Bank statements and cancelled cheques.

(f)  Prepares the Association’s Financial Statements, on a quarterly basis, for presentation at Council and General Meetings.


(a)  Assists the Treasurer

(b)  Acts in his absence or when requested to do so by the Treasurer.

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