Queen’s College seeks to remain one of the finest schools in the nation. It is the goal of the school to provide a strong academic programme from which each student will develop a personal commitment to learning, a respect for independent thinking and an expanding curiosity about the world and its people. The pursuit of excellence is a cooperative process grounded in respect for others. The school is committed to maintaining a diverse and gifted faculty.
Queen's College believes that its greatest resources are its faculty, and that in order to achieve its mission Queen's College must provide superior teaching through the attraction, professional support and retention of outstanding faculty members. Essential qualities of such faculty include a strong educational background and subject area mastery; a commitment both to scholarship and to young people; and a personal charisma which will inspire students and promote collegiality with peers.
An excellent salary and benefits package is made available to all persons on staff at Queen's College. Some of the included job benefits are: a salary and annual increment that is above the national average for teachers; a comprehensive health insurance coverage, of which Queen's College covers 50% of the insurance premium; up to 50% subsidy of staff personal professional development; a 50% reduction of tuition fees for children of staff at Queen's College; gratuity and; a pension plan.
Currently, none are available.
Please check back for updates.
Applicants for all teaching posts must have:
Physical Application forms are available from the Human Resources Office at the school (which is located at the C.F.E. Building). For a digital copy, please click here. The completed application, together with a covering letter, a statement of your educational philosophy, and a recent photograph must be sent to:
The Principal
Queen's College
P.O. Box N-7127
Nassau, The Bahamas
by email to jobs@qchenceforth.com
Your completed application with supporting documents should arrive as soon as possible unless indicated so above. Candidates short listed will be contacted by telephone, fax or email, for an interview.
For inquiries or questions regarding placement at QC, please contact:
Ms. Kendra Martin
Human Resources Manager
Queen's College
P.O. Box N-7127
Nassau, The Bahamas
Tel: (242) 677-7600 (option #6)
Queen's College
Village Road - P.O.Box N 7127
Nassau, Bahamas
(242) 677-7600
Queen’s College Website is for educational and informational purposes only. Information contained in this website can and will change without notice.