At Queen’s College a child receives an education that is relevant to today and useful for tomorrow’s world and work place. Our wide curriculum is progressive and rigorous, students are expected to keep abreast with the demands of the curriculum and the school provides additional support for students who are not performing on grade level. At the completion of their educational experience here at Queen’s College, our students are equipped to compete on an equal footing for college admissions and job market placement as result of the high level and rigour of our educational standards.
As a staff we are committed to delivering the best education possible by keeping abreast of current and research-based practices both at home and abroad.
Our overall curriculum follows the guidelines of The Bahamas Ministry of Education curriculum; however in most subjects we provide greater depth and breadth in order to ensure a rich well-rounded academic experience. Whilst we focus on optimizing academic standards in all areas of the curriculum, we ensure that learning is enjoyable. Our teachers are creative and innovative in their teaching methods, and our children are involved in learning activities that are designed to develop and challenge them. It is our desire that each child in our school discovers his/her strength and talents, and we celebrate and support all achievements, both in and out of school.
Reading is fundamental here at Queen’s College. We place great emphasis upon our literature-based reading programme. The daily home reader and weekly library books are a part of your child’s basic tool kit for reading success. Each grade has a required grade reader that is read by all students in class. Lively discussions usually result from this whole grade activity. We believe in cultivating a reading environment as we are firm believers that the ability to read is the foundation to success in school. Throughout the year we invite parents and family members to come in and read to the students, and we have established a grade eleven and twelve big brother and sister reading program with grades one and two.
We expect all of our students to be able to express themselves clearly and confidently. We offer opportunities for them to share their ideas and feelings, express their opinions, report on and describe their research and findings and to debate and discuss ideas.
Writing in all its forms is an important skill and our students are taught to write in a range of styles and genres for a variety of audiences.
From an early age, we develop correct handwriting skills and habits. We use the New Nelson Handwriting scheme and children generally begin to join their letters in Grade Two.
Our Mathematics programme not only develops the basic skills of computation, but also places great emphasis upon thinking and problem-solving strategies, and provides regular practice in the mental manipulation of numbers.
Our students are taught the traditions and beliefs of Christianity and those of the Methodist Church, whilst respecting the religious background and beliefs of all members of the school and wider community. Students are encouraged to apply Christian principles in their daily lives, whatever they do and wherever they are. Collective worship is held twice per week for all students, and teachers conduct a short morning devotion and prayer on other days. Each school day starts and ends with a prayer.
Special sessions are led by our Primary School Guidance Counselor. Students are taught to make responsible decisions, understand the consequences of their actions and make good personal choices in their lives.
Our Science curriculum covers four major areas: Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, and Technology and Society. Students learn to observe, question, experiment, deduce and reach conclusions based on scientific evidence. They acquire scientific knowledge, attitudes and skills that will enable them to make positive choices as literate citizens in a scientific and technology- driven global community.
Each term, students undertake an in-depth study of a topic or theme that creates meaningful cross- subject links. We equip our students with knowledge and an understanding of The Bahamas and its culture, and we also develop an awareness of the richness and diversity of people in other regions of the world.
Spanish and French are taught by specialist teachers throughout the Primary School. Introductory lessons in Spanish begin in Grade One. In Grades Four, Five and Six, a second foreign language, French, is offered to students who then leave the Primary School with a basic working knowledge of two foreign languages.
We provide our students with an excellent grounding in Information Technology. Skills are taught each week in our computer suite housing 25 computers with internet access. Each classroom is equipped with full wireless internet access and a computer station. In addition, 19 classrooms are equipped with interactive white boards. These boards allow the teachers to provide real live experiences for the students with a touch of a pen.
In these lessons, children progress through a range of physical activities and skills using small apparatus such as bats, balls, ropes and hoops. Lessons also include training in athletic skills, games and gymnastics. We also promote good sportsmanship and a positive attitude towards physical activity that we hope will continue into adult life. Sports Day is held at The National Stadium during the second term.
Our school offers an excellent swimming programme, and students enjoy weekly lessons in the pool. By the time the leave the Primary School, most of our students are confident and proficient swimmers. At the end of the year, swimming galas are held with fun races for beginning swimmers and competitive races for advanced swimmers.
In these lessons, children express themselves in a variety of media, exploring the power of lines, colour and pattern. Students are also introduced to major world artists and their artistic styles, and to the art and skills involved in Junkanoo, a rich, cultural, and uniquely Bahamian experience.
Students are involved in singing, musical appreciation and theory, movement and percussion work. Musical activities are showcased in most school functions and events.
Our well- stocked library, with internet access to allow individual research, is the heart of our school and is supervised by a qualified teaching librarian who fosters and encourages a love of literature and reading. The library is available for use by all students during recess and lunch periods, and is also a home for the Early Morning Reading Rockets, Chess, and Crochet clubs. Students in all grades are encouraged to read widely from a list of books recommended by the librarian. Book swaps are arranged regularly so that students can exchange used books, and all students are invited to purchase a book for the school to celebrate their birthday. Parents also are invited to ‘Adopt a Book’ and contribute to our library.
Literacy Week is an annual event in the Primary School and is designed to foster in our students a love of books, reading and literacy. Our library is always buzzing with activities, and we are truly proud that that our Primary School library is a ‘Central Hub for Independent Learning and Discovery’, C.H.I.L.D
Queen's College
Village Road - P.O.Box N 7127
Nassau, Bahamas
(242) 677-7600
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