(Revised May 2003)
1. Name:
The name of the Association shall be the “Parent Teachers Association of Queen’s College” (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”).
2. Objects:
The objects of the Association shall be:
(a) To encourage parents, guardians and teachers to support and foster activities for the benefit of the child
(b) To coordinate the spiritual, cultural, and disciplinary forces of the home and school in a manner calculated to aid the development of children
(c) To assist the Administration and staff in anything deemed necessary to promote the betterment of the school
(d) To promote the esteem of the school in the eyes of the pupils, parents and public
(e) To raise funds for the benefit of the Association, the School or the students attending the School
(f) To facilitate the exchange of views between the Administration and Teaching Staff of the School and the Parents and Guardians of students attending the School
3. Membership:
The Administrative staff of the school, Parents and Guardians (who have paid their Annual Dues) of students attending the School shall be members of the Association, provided however that, in the event that any officer of the Association or any Member of the Board shall, during his term of office, cease to be qualified as hereinbefore provided, he shall continue in office until the expiration of such term of office unless he shall give written notice to the Secretary of his resignation therefrom.
4. Dues:
Dues are payable at the beginning of each School year at a rate of $5.00 per family provided that no dues shall be payable by the Teaching or Administrative Staff of the School.
5. Executive Officers:
The officers of the Association shall be:
(a) The President
(b) The Vice President
(c) The Secretary
(d) The Assistant Secretary
(e) The Treasurer
(f) The Assistant Treasurer
(g) Chaplain
Officers shall be elected at the First General Meeting and thereafter at each Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the next succeeding Annual General Meeting of the Association.
6. Executive Council:
(a) The Executive Council (hereinafter referred to as the “Council”) shall be comprised of the Executive Officers, four other members (who shall be parents or guardians) and six teachers (two from each Section of the school) together with the Principal, Heads and Deputy Heads of Sections, including the Early Learning Centre, Primary and High Schools (four members of Administration should be present).
(b) The President or, in his absence, the Vice President, shall preside at meetings of the Council. In their absence, the members present shall elect one of their number to preside.
(c) Every motion at a meeting of the Council shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present and voting. No major decisions can be made without the Administration’s presence. The Members of the Association and the Principal’s Office shall be kept informed of any major decisions made during the Council’s term of office.
(d) At a meeting of the Council, twelve members shall constitute a quorum.
7. Duties of Officers:
The President:
(a) Is the official representative of the Association.
(b) Is an ex-officio member of all committees.
(c) Calls meetings to order and adjourns them at appropriate times.
(d) Signs approved minutes.
(e) Holds regular Council meetings and consults with officers and committee chairmen to ensure that details are well planned.
(f) Signs cheques in accordance with section 12 (b) of this Constitution.
The Vice President:
(a) Assumes the responsibility for administrative detail delegated to him by the President.
(b) Represents the Association upon request by the President or the Executive Council.
(c) Assumes the duties of the President if the office becomes vacant until the position is filled at the next Annual General Meeting.
The Secretary:
(a) Records in a Minute Book brief detailed accounts of the proceedings of general, special, annual general and executive meetings.
(b) Presents a written copy of the previous meeting’s minutes to each Council member prior to each meeting. A copy of the minutes should also be forwarded to the Principal’s Office.
(c) Notes all corrections to the minutes that may be necessary and secures the signature of the presiding officer after acceptance.
(d) Keeps for reference purposes at meetings, the Minute Book, a copy of the Constitution and a list of the Executive and Committee members.
(e) Signs all cheques in accordance with section 12 (b) of this Constitution.
(f) Shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Association.
(g) Ensures a written record is kept of all attendees to all meetings.
Assistant Secretary:
(a) Assists the Secretary.
(b) Acts in his or her absence or when requested to do so by the Secretary.
(a) Receives all monies.
(b) Maintains or opens an account(s) in the name of the Association at a Bank(s) approved by the Executive Council.
(c) Prepares all cheques and pays Association obligations after authorization as per section 12 (b) of this Constitution.
(d) Keeps a detailed record of all the Association’s receipts and expenditures.
(e) Preserves all vouchers, receipts, Bank statements and cancelled cheques.
(f) Prepares the Association’s Financial Statements, on a quarterly basis, for presentation at Council and General Meetings.
Assistant Treasurer:
(a) Assists the Treasurer
(b) Acts in his absence or when requested to do so by the Treasurer.
8. General Meetings:
(a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the month of September or October in each year and Association members shall be notified at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
(b) The business of the meeting shall be:
(i) Election of Officers and Members of the Council.
(ii) Approval of the Association’s Financial Statements.
(iii) Any other business of which notice shall be given to the Secretary not later than 7 days before such meeting.
(c) Extra-Ordinary General Meetings may be called by the Secretary at the request of ten members of the Association providing seven days’ notice of the business to be discussed is given.
(d) There shall be at least one General Meeting of the Association per term.
(e) The President, or in his absence, the Vice President, shall preside at all General Meetings. In their absence, members of the Executive Council shall choose one of their number to preside.
(f) Every motion at a General Meeting shall be decided by a majority of members present and voting. All decisions made by the General Meeting must be brought to the attention of the Principal’s Office.
(g) At a General Meeting, twenty members of the Association shall constitute a quorum.
9. Nominations and Appointments:
(a) All prospective officers shall be nominated and seconded from the floor at the Annual General meeting.
(b) Election of officers shall be by secret ballot whenever more than one candidate is nominated for each position.
(c) Any Officer or Member of the Council who fails to attend 3 consecutive Council meetings without a valid reason, as determined by the Council, shall be deemed to have vacated their office.
(d) The Executive Council shall be empowered to appoint a person to fill an unexpired term of office that may become vacant.
10. Financial Statements:
Prior to presentation to the Annual General Meeting, the Association’s Financial Statements shall be audited by the Auditor(s) appointed by the Executive Council and approved by the Principal.
11. Committees:
(a) The types of committees shall be those agreed upon by the Council. The Committee members shall be appointed by the President.
(b) Committee chairpersons or others directed by them shall submit reports to the Association as soon as possible.
12. Expenditures:
(a) All cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and either the President or Secretary.
13. Voting and Amendments:
(a) All motions shall be decided by a show of hands unless three members of the Association present and voting shall demand a poll.
(b) This Constitution may be amended by a resolution at any Annual General Meeting of the Association provided that seven days’ notice has been given of the Amendment(s) and that it is carried by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting.
14. Interpretation:
(a) The Executive Council shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of this Constitution.
(b) In this Constitution, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender; and the word “guardian” shall mean guardian either in law or in fact and shall include any person having legal custody, care and control, whether permanent or temporary, of any student attending the School.
A Letter From P.T.A. President
Queen's College
Village Road - P.O.Box N 7127
Nassau, Bahamas
(242) 677-7600
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