Queen’s College prides itself in being the oldest private school in the Bahamas that has at its core the foundation of good character and the pursuit of academic excellence. In order to achieve these lofty goals, our community must work together and commit to a high standard of behaviour.
At Queen’s College there is a system of expectations, rules and boundaries around which the school orders itself and which supports students who seek a rich and full academic experience.
Since one of the keystones of independent education is the free choice made by parents and students to become part of a particular school, Queen's College assumes that parents and students are aware of and willing to abide by the rules and expectations under which this school operates. Whatever the personal values of parents or students regarding particular rules, the registration of a student at Queen's College represents a commitment to live under the rules and disciplinary procedures as published in the School's Q-Book and as traditionally practised in the School. A few School rules/codes that parents should take special note of are those related to the School's policy on drugs and religious events, students' schools uniform, fighting, dishonesty, electronic equipment, and complicity. Parents and students should be aware that there are rules and expectations that are specific to each section of the School and therefore they should remain knowledgeable as students move through the school.
A printable copy of the Queen's College High School's Q-Book can be downloaded by clicking here or by clicking on the Q Book cover below. It requires the Acrobat Reader software
Queen's College
Village Road - P.O.Box N 7127
Nassau, Bahamas
(242) 677-7600
Queen’s College Website is for educational and informational purposes only. Information contained in this website can and will change without notice.