This organization shall be called the Queen’s College Alumni Association (QCAA). (the Association)
The purpose of the Association is to support Queen’s College through alumni and school activities. This may be accomplished by, but is not limited to:
All members of the Association shall be bound by the provisions of this Constitution.
Contributing Members: Graduates and former students of Queen’s College who apply for membership and are current in dues shall be classified as Contributing Members. These members shall be entitled to vote in matters of the Association and shall have access to the alumni database on the alumni web page. For the first year following graduation from Queen’s College, all alumni shall be offered Contributing Member status at no cost for one fiscal year provided they complete an application for membership.
Associate Members: Graduates and former students of Queen’s College who apply for membership and pay no dues are non-voting Associate Members. Associate Members shall not be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors or hold office.
Honorary Members: Honorary members are faculty and benefactors of Queen’s College whose services the Association may recognize. Honorary membership may be petitioned from or granted by the Board of Directors. Honorary members are non-voting members and are not required to pay dues. Honorary Members shall not be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors or hold office.
Educator Members: Queen’s College faculty and administrators may apply for membership, shall pay no dues, and shall be non-voting Educator Members. Educator Members (who are not graduates or former students) shall not be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors or hold office.
Board of Directors and Officers: The daily management of the Association shall be exercised by the Board of Directors in cooperation with the Queen’s College Foundation and the school administration. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the following elected officials:
And the following unelected officials:
A Chaplain shall be appointed by each new President from amongst those elected by the Alumni body to serve on the Board and shall hold such position for the duration of the term of the President by whom they were appointed.
The Immediate Past President shall serve in an advisory capacity for one year after demitting office with voting rights. The Chair of the Queen’s College Foundation and the Principal of Queen’s College shall serve as ex officio Directors with voting rights.
The Queen’s College Alumni Association liaison [to the Queen’s College Foundation Board of Trustees] shall be the Director of Development for the Queen’s College Foundation, whom shall serve on the Association’s Board of Directors without voting rights. In the absence of a Director of Development, the President of the Alumni Association shall act as the liaison.
Officers must be Graduates and Contributing Members.
Officer Term: Officers shall be elected for two-year terms at the Annual Meeting to be held in June of each year. The exception to this is the Immediate Past President, who will serve for the one year after demitting office. No person shall hold more than one office at a time or serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Officers shall assume their duties on the first day of the fiscal year.
Terms of Board Members shall end on the last day of June of the year in which they are set to expire.
Non-Executive Director Term: Directors shall be elected for three-year terms at the Annual Meeting to be held in June of each year, except for the first year when 1 will be elected to serve a one-year term, 1 for a two-year term, and 1 for a three-year term. Terms of Board Members shall end on the last day of June of the year in which they are set to expire.
Non-Executive Directors must be Graduates and Contributing Members.
Removal From Office: Officers and Non-Executive Directors shall hold office for the length of the prescribed term, but shall be subject to removal for cause by majority vote of the membership present at a special meeting of the Association called for such purpose.
Nominations: The Nominating Committee shall present to the membership a slate of one or more candidates for each position at the Annual Meeting. All candidates must be Graduates of Queen’s College. Qualifications must be stated for each candidate. Additional nominations shall be accepted from the floor, provided qualifications are stated.
Method of Election: Officers and Non-Executive Directors shall be elected by ballot unless there is only one candidate for each office. In that case, the ballot may be dispensed with. If more than one candidate is running for office requiring vote by ballot, the candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected. In the event that no candidate receives a majority vote on the first ballot, balloting is continued until one candidate is elected by majority vote. Paper ballots are to be maintained by the Secretary for 30 days then destroyed.
Officer/Non-Executive Director Vacancy: In the event of a vacancy in an officer or non-executive director position other than President, the Nominating Committee shall recommend a replacement to be appointed at the next Board of Directors meeting to serve the remainder of the term. The Queen’s College Board of Governors shall have the power to appoint officers and directors of the Association in the absence of nominees for such posts. The immediate past President shall be eligible for appointment in such circumstances regardless of terms served.
Committee Chairpersons: Committee chairpersons must be Contributing Members. Each Chairperson shall keep records of the committee, initiate and lead the activities of the committee, keep the Board of Directors informed, report at meetings as appropriate, and copy the President on all committee correspondence.
Class Representative Committee: The members of the Class Representative Committee shall assist in keeping open lines of communication with their respective classmates, assist the Membership Committee in recruitment, and obtain membership feedback. The Vice President shall serve as Chairman of this committee.
Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall handle membership recruitment and respond to membership inquiries. Web Page/E-Newsletter Committee: The Web Page Committee shall gather and edit material for the alumni Web page and the e-newsletter and forward the information to the Director of Development and/or any other appropriate person.
Finance Committee: The Finance Committee shall prepare an annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall serve as Chairman of the committee.
Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of Contributing Members selected by the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee shall recommend at least one Graduate of Queen’s College for each officer and director position to be filled, and shall present a slate of nominees at the Annual Meeting per Article IV. The Nominating Committee shall elect its own Chairperson.
Special Committees: The President and/or the Board of Directors may create special committees for specific tasks. Such committees shall cease to exist when that task has been completed.
Annual Meeting: An Annual Meeting shall be held in June of each year at a location designated by the Board of Directors.
Quorum at the Annual Meeting: Quorum shall be at least 1/10 of the contributing members of the Association, present in person or by proxy.
Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall be June 1 through May 31.
Dues: Shall be established by the Board of Directors. Graduates shall petition for membership using forms developed by the Board of Directors. Dues shall be payable in advance on the first day of each fiscal year. Default in the payment of dues for a period of six months will result in the person’s contributing member status being eligible for termination by the Board of Directors.
Funds generated from dues will be used to support the Association’s activities.
The Board of Directors shall open an account in the name of the Association and all funds of the Association shall be deposited into that account. There shall be three signatories to the Account namely, the President, Treasurer and Vice President, who shall be entitled to operate the account with any two of their signatures. All movable and fixed assets of the Association shall be entered in a register, which shall be reported during the Annual Meeting. The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the Association as set forth in this Constitution and no portion 6 thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividends, bonus or profits to its members.
An annual financial report shall be presented to the Queen’s College Board of Governors, a copy of which shall also be made available to the Queen’s College Foundation.
This Constitution may be repealed, altered, revised or amended by a two-thirds vote of the Contributing Members present at a meeting called for that purpose, provided that any proposed change has been previously approved in writing by the Board of Directors and by the Queen’s College Board of Governors. These bylaws and/or amendments thereto shall become effective upon adjournment of the meeting at which adopted, unless otherwise specified.
Article X. Disputes The Queen’s College Board of Governors shall appoint a Dispute Resolution Panel consisting of two or more Graduates of Queen’s College, which shall handle disputes and all other legal issues involving the Association.
All disputes shall be settled according to the laws of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
This Constitution establishes the Association as an unincorporated voluntary organisation established under the auspices of the Queen’s College Board of Governors. The Association agrees to abide by any bye-laws and regulations determined by the Board of Governors in respect of the governance and
operation of the Association.
In the event of dissolution, abandonment, or termination of this Association, all assets possessed by the Association after current indebtedness has been paid, shall go to The Queen’s College Board of Governors.
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